Make more cups of tasty coffee accessible all over the world
A single cup of coffee colors our everyday life, connects people, and brings us to a new world. The more cups of tasty coffee make the more fun world.
This is the wish of ORIGAMI, born from the wishes of baristas.
Be an attractive tool with
convenience and utilityORIGAMI is particular about utility,
aiming to be a practical tool for baristas,
which is easy to handle, sturdy, and has a subtle but sophisticated design.
Above all, the most important thing is to make more tasty coffee.Available in many colors to
match a variety of shopsORIGAMI products are available in a wide variety of colors.
We want our customers to enjoy choosing when shopping, and also wish our products to fit in with any store with any concept.Chosen by top professionals due to stable quality with
minimal fluctuationsThe stable quality is one of the reasons why ORIGAMI is favored in competitions, where any slight fluctuation can affect the drip accuracy. In the Mino region of Gifu Prefecture, one of Japan's leading production centers, our quality and stable products are made thanks to the fusion of handwork and the latest technology.