Notation based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act

Distributor name
KAI Co., Ltd.
Distributor's address
〒509-5142 1496-5 Kujiri, Izumi-cho, Toki City, Gifu Prefecture
0572-55-6277 (We do not accept inquiries by phone.Please contact us from here.
Takashi Kato
Operation manager
Takashi Kato
Selling price
The selling price is listed on each product page (* The price includes tax).
Product delivery deadline
It will be shipped within 3 business days after payment is confirmed.

Domestic orders with a corporate discount will be shipped within 5 business days after payment is received. International orders will be shipped within 5 business days after payment is received.
Necessary price other than the product price
Consumption tax: All listed prices on this site include consumption tax.

Shipping fee: If your purchase is less than ¥ 5,000 (tax included), shipping (shipping by delivery area) will be charged.


Shipping fee: Depends on delivery area. Please check the cart page.

Payment method

We accept credit card payment, bank transfer, and PayPal.

Credit card payment, PayPal

Due date for payment
Bank transfer: In the case of transfer (bank transfer), please do so within 3 days of application.
Credit card: In the case of credit card payment, you will be charged for the month of product shipment.
Cases in which exchanges cannot be accepted for returns or exchanges (special clause in the proviso of Article 15-3-1 of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions)
-Replacement of products due to customer's reason (different from what was expected, ordered by mistake, etc.)
-When the product has been used
-If you have lost the delivery note
-When 10 days have passed after the arrival of the product.
-Products purchased outside of our online site.
Cases in which exchanges can be accepted
*If the above “Cases in which exchange cannot be accepted” does not apply, and one of the following cases applies
Wrong product was delivered (erroneous delivery).
The product you received was defective or damaged.
If you have requested an exchange, we may not be able to meet your request if the product meets our quality standards. Please note that we may not be able to meet your request if the product meets our quality standards.
Please see below for our quality standards.
Characteristics of Porcelain
exchange procedure
1) Please contact us within 3 days of receiving the product, attaching a picture from this page.
2) We will send you a return invoice (cash on delivery) with the good item.
3) If you received the wrong item, please return it within 7 days of receipt with the enclosed return invoice.
Please dispose of any defective or damaged items.
*Please note that we may ask you to return defective or damaged items to us in order to check the actual items.
About shipping charges for returns and exchanges
If it is different from the ordered product, we will bear it only if there is a quality problem such as damage to the product.