ETHICUS Gako, Rwanda 100g ETHICUS Gako, Rwanda 100g
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ETHICUS Gako, Rwanda 100g

ETHICUS Gako, Rwanda 100g

ETHICUS Gako, Rwanda 100g

Regular price ¥1,500 JPY
Regular price Sale price ¥1,500 JPY
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KOYO BASEでご紹介するロースターや提供する豆は半年ごとに変わり、ご来店いただいたお客様にロースターを知り、コーヒーと器を楽しんでもらいたいと考えています。
ORIGAMI オンラインストアでも、ORIGAMIドリッパーと一緒に全国のロースターの豆をご自宅で楽しんでいただけるよう期間限定で販売いたします。

Tasting notes:Plum, Blueberry, Meyer Lemon, Red Wine, Juicy, Clean, Candy

ラボとギャラリーの複合的な空間がエートスの実店舗です。ETHICUSは古代ギリシャの哲学者アリストテレスの弁論術に由来します。始まりの場所、いつもの場所という意味があり、そこから派生する習慣や慣習、それによって共有される意識や行動のことを指します。心と肉に存在する衝動によって行動が発生する意識のもと、コーヒーに対してアプローチしています。 個が突出しないように、ETHICUSという概念をチーム全員で演出できるような行動をしています。焙煎、品質管理、抽出、接客、物流など様々な要素がありますが、それらのスペシャリストになり、個が結集することでETHICUSというものを創造し続けています。

Gako, Rwanda

Huye Mountain Coffee, owned by David, who was featured in the movie " A Film About Coffee," is named after Huye Mountain, a washing station located in Huye County, Southern Province, at 2284 meters above sea level.  

David Luban Sangabo launched the Huye Mountain Coffee brand in 2011, built the first washing station "Gako," and participated in the Cup of Excellence for the first time in 2012, winning 2nd place, followed by 6th and 11th place in the following year, and continues to produce high quality coffee. The following year, it was awarded the 6th and 11th prizes.  

In addition, in the area where David's washing station is located, he is working with a non-profit organization, the Association for Working with Coffee Growing Areas (established in 2019), to improve the soil and support agriculture, and it enthusiastic about sustainable coffee production and coffee quality improvement efforts.  

Gako is a farm run by David. David, who was agricultural engineer for the government, has taken various initiatives in coffee cultivation, and Gako is a model farm for such initiatives. Shade trees are planted at equal intervals to protect the coffee trees from direct sunlight, and the young coffee trees are nurtured with plenty of organic fertilizer.
Flavor, acidity, and sweetness all feel like good naturals that are balanced to a high standard.

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